Important Information

Fraudsters can be convincing. American First Credit Union will NEVER ask for your username, password, access code, token, or PIN. Do NOT provide it, even if the caller ID appears to be from us. If you receive suspicious communications, don’t respond.

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Security Tips

Fraud Awareness & Security

  • Please find a few quick fraud awareness and security tips below.
    1. American First associates will NEVER ask you for personal identification UNLESS YOU CONTACT US
    2. DO NOT SHARE sensitive personal information WITH ANYONE who calls, emails or texts you directly
    3. DO NOT SHARE your passwords, verification codes, PIN or ID numbers with anyone verbally or otherwise
    4. If you suspect fraud, please HANG UP AND NOTIFY US right away

    Tips to Protect Your Account

    • Sign up your American First debit and credit cards for no cost Mastercard ID Theft Protection to receive:
      • 24/7 Certified Identity Theft Resolution Specialists
      • Comprehensive Identity Monitoring
      • Online Fraud Alert Placement
      • Suspicious Activity Alerts
    • Set fraud alerts with all credit bureaus.
    • Keep software up-to-date. Turn on automatic updates for your operating system. Use web browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Safari, or Firefox that receive frequent and automatic security updates.
    • Other recommended ID monitoring services include Lifelock and Identity Guard.

    Protecting Your Passwords

    • Create a strong password. Mix capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (12 characters or more is recommended).
    • Do not use personal information in your password such as your name, birth date, or address.
    • Do not share your password.
    • Try not to use the same password for multiple sites.
    • Change your password regularly, especially if any of your accounts have been compromised.
    • Keep sensitive data off your workstation, laptop, or mobile device. If your device has been compromised, change your password immediately.

    Phone and Mail Security

    • Never provide personal information (account numbers, SSN, credit card numbers). We will never ask you to verify an account or personal information unless you contact us.
    • Always shred your mail with sensitive information.
    • Do not fall victim to email or mail fraud that ask for your card/account information to pay fees for a prize, phony credit card offers, advance fee loan schemes, and more. 

    Avoiding ATM & Card Compromises

    • Cover the pin pad with your hand while entering your PIN number.
    • Be aware and alert of your surroundings when you approach the ATM. Use another ATM if the environment is not safe.
    • Do not immediately count your cash withdrawal. Do so later in a safer environment.
    • When using a drive-thru ATM, keep all your doors locked, windows closed, and the engine running.
    • If the card slot or pin pad looks tampered — do not use.

    Security Advisories

    • We have recently been made aware of a new caller ID spoofing scam impacting our members. Please stay alert and avoid becoming a victim of this scam. This scam involves fraudsters pretending to be calling from your financial institution by manipulating the Caller ID (or spoofing). They may say that there has been a breach in your account and ask for online banking credentials or other Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
    • Fraudsters are posing as American First to obtain information which allows them to access your account — they may contact you by email, text, or phone impersonating American First or an American First associate. Please stay alert and avoid becoming a victim of this scam
    • Fraudsters have become increasingly adept at getting cardholders to share the information they need to commit fraud by posing as financial institution call center agents, or by sending text messages that look like they are coming from your institution, warning of suspicious transaction activities. If at any point you (a cardholder) is uncertain about questions being asked or the call itself, hang up and call us immediately.
    • Fraudsters are sending spoofing text messages regarding Zelle transfers. When contacted regarding these false transfers, the fraudsters are asking for sensitive personal information such as debit card numbers, passwords, usernames and other login information. If at any point you are uncertain about questions being asked or the call itself, hang up and call us immediately.
    • Fraudsters are informing consumers they "accidentally" sent funds via instant money transfer services (i.e., Zelle, Venmo, Cash App, Amazon, etc). The fraudster will ask you to send the money back as a favor to undo their "error." If you agree and authorize a credit to the fraudster, the fraudster will then recall the initial credit, leaving you with a loss. Please stay alert and avoid becoming a victim of this scam
    • Fraudsters are requesting payment for goods they have for sale via instant money transfer services (i.e., Zelle, Venmo, Cash App, etc). After you send your payment, the fraudster will either never deliver the goods or provide fraudulent ones  (i.e., event tickets). Because you authorized payment, in many cases you are not covered by Regulation E unauthorized protections or the policies of these types of payments. Please stay alert and avoid becoming a victim of this scam
    • Regularly check your account(s) online for suspicious transactions, but especially if you are unsure about a call or text message you’ve received.
    • American First will NEVER ask you for sensitive personal identification information (PII) via email, phone, or social media. If you suspect fraud or spam, please notify us right away at 800-290-1112. 

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